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Re: Another political question re: Tuffleverse

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2001 14:24:57 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Another political question re: Tuffleverse

--- Brian Bilderback <> wrote:

> Don't knock it.  

I just have a hard time imagining Turks running any
part of the universe well.  I've been to a part of the
world that lived under Turkish rule for 500+ years and
was NOT impressed.  

> Actually, in the Modern Turkish state, Jews don't
> have it so bad.  My > Father-in-Law taught at one of
the most prestigious,> expensive schools in 
> Turkey, and had several Jewish students.

Each to his own--my alternate history includes Turkey
purging the last non-Turkish elements by 2044.

> I didn't experct them to.

On the other hand, my alternate FSE has pretty much
deported/permitted emmigration for all the Greeks and
has transported French colonists to Greece.

> >And in fact the Byzantines in Space will probably
> >throw nukes in your general direction under general
> >principles.
> Which gives me more incentive to run the Turks.

Well, on the plus side it would give me an excuse to
make alliances of convenience with the IFed.


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