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Re: Points, was Re: grav

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 14:46:38 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Points, was Re: grav

--- Oerjan Ohlson <> wrote:

> M2), but the roof is admittedly lower... if you have
> to sit inside it for a 
> long time every inch counts :-/

Now, I don't know the internal layout of the BMP-3. 
Is it more likely to roll into combat with the troop
hatch (ie: the one in the roof, if it is so provided)
open or closed?  In a Bradley, the troop hatch is
closed unless reloading the TOW launcher.  This means
you have to have more headroom.  An M-113, it's not so
important because most of the time you're rolling
around, the hatch is open and most of your guys are
hanging out.

> You got it in one. But on the same note intelligence
> isn't any more > expensive than inefficiency - which
is part of the > reason why the BMP-3 > isn't vastly
more expensive in real life than the > Bradley is in
spite of > its lower profile :-/

So the ramifications on a point system is. . . 

> Remember: About half what I write to you is
> toungue-in-cheek. You just have 
> to figure out which half it which :-)

Where have I heard this one before?

>  >>Signature factor: D4 = 1, D6 = 1.125, D8 = 1.25,
> D10
>  >>= 1.375, D12 = 1.5
>  >
>  >Stealth makes a vehicle cheaper?
> Sorry, I don't get what you're referring to here.

Oh, I mixed up your signature factors and size
classes.  I'm backwards.

However, this does raise another question.  By your
program, a HMMWV with a TOW II launcher is more
expensive than an M-113 varient with TOW II launcher
(M901, etc).  Why?  It doesn't make sense to me that a
truck would be more expensive than a much heavier
armored vehicle.

> I can't really comment on that since I don't have
> Heavy Gear, but your > description suggests that the
Heavy Gear design > system was unbalanced or 
> biased towards Gears - in a fashion similar to how

It was balanced towards marginally capable vehicles
and/or vehicles with glaring design flaws.  And most
of the published vehicles couldn't have won a
competition run by any nation I'm familliar with.


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