Re: Walkers, was RE: grav
From: Charles Taylor <charles.taylor@c...>
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 19:41:44 GMT
Subject: Re: Walkers, was RE: grav
In message <006b01c1721a$b515b760$>
"Noel Weer" <> wrote:
> For those that can remember back to the first Alien movie - there was
> walker-ish fork-lift. It had a Caterpillar logo on the side.
Caterpillar has
> actually received orders/requests for these items, as a result.
Anyway, Cat
> would like to make them, and actually investigated doing so, _but_
there are
> two considerations: first, the stress and hydraulic requirements on
the legs
> are immense. Second, the initial engineering work pretty much
> that their center of gravity when trying to carry any weight pulled
> right over. And where are you going to put any kind of
> weight? And even if you find a place then the first issue is
> etc....
> OK, forklifts and combat walkers are different but the leg stresses
> valid issues on both and if you imagine a weapon impact on one, you
> pretty much start comparing it to the stresses of the forklift
> something - and watch it fall right over.
> That all said, they are cool, to look at. Make good arty observation
> And are fun to shoot.
> Works for me.
Actually, it was the _second_ Alien movie - but that's an interesting
anecdote :-)
On the 'they look cool' (wrt Mecha), if you postulate a future where war
has become a televised entertainment event (or equivalent), the
corporations running the war could field mecha just to improve the
ratings, and apply 'handicapping' rules to make the 'coolest' looking
units the most cost effective. :-)