Re: Needle Beam questions and GBR Space forces
From: Jaime Tiampo <fugu@s...>
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 18:03:10 -0800
Subject: Re: Needle Beam questions and GBR Space forces
Glenn M Wilson wrote:
> So, it would behoove me to plan my batteries with 1 or 2 NB's paired
> with a FCS to maximize my damage when (IF) I get in close... 2+FCS on
> Engines, 1+FCS on enemy FCS#1, 1+FCS on Enemy FCS #2, and 1 +FCS on
> either FCS#3 or perhaps an AFDC/PDS on the ship.
I don't know if you'd want to have that few shooting at anything. I have
some destroyers that have 4 needle beams per ship and only 1 FCS. Even
with 4 I rarely hit anything. I tend to run a min of 6 of these together
and I think I've only managed once to disable a ship