Re: Outrim Coalition
From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@e...>
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 23:21:50 +1100
Subject: Re: Outrim Coalition
Regarding the OutRim Coalition,no-one has done any blurb for it.
What do people think of this :
"The ORC is a loose alliance of many different colonies that were
left to fend for themselves when the major powers all but abandoned
defending them to concentrate their forces on the Core Worlds after
2185. The original nucleus was a band of extra-legal (read Pirate)
forces that raided the KV supply lines, then joined up with small
colonies that had been by-passed by the main KV assault. As such
their first forces were old, obsolete designs and repaired wrecks.
However the low-tech designs they had access to were perfectly
fitted for dispersed, non-centralised production. Even colonies
that had had most of their industries wrecked could produce parts
for early 22nd century ships, so many of the ORC fleet were actually
new production of old designs.
In fighting the KV, they have become like them. Their Pirate origins
have led them to raid even Core worlds, and should the KV menace be
ended, they are likely to be a theat in their own right. Because they
feel betrayed by the rest of humanity, are proud of their "frontier
that saw them through tough times, and see the "soft decadent
as being sheep for the slaughter.
They call themselves ORCs."