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Re: M class Stars not planets

From: aebrain@a...
Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2001 10:15:49 +1100
Subject: Re: M class Stars not planets

> Hiya,
> M-class stars are dimmer than G-class stars -- there's a mnemonic for
> stellar spectra that goes: "O, Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me" which relates
> to the letter-coded spectrum notation, in descending order of
brightness: O
> B A F G K M.

Or even "Wendy, Oh Be A Fine Girl Kiss Me Right Now Sweetie."

W are the rare Wolf-Rayet class, twice as hot as O's.
R,N,S are various forms of Red Giants, not so much stars as thin clouds
of hot to lukewarm gas.


Spectral class Temperature Color 
O5 40 000 K blue 
B0 27 000 K blue-white 
B5 16 000 K  
A0 10 000 K white 
A5 8 200 K  
F0 7 200 K yellow-white 
F5 6 700 K  
G0 6 000 K yellow 
G2 5 800 K (our sun) 
G5 5 500 K  
K0 5 100 K orange 
K5 4 300 K  
M0 3 700 K red 
M5 3 000 K  

(These temperatures are in Kelvins.  To convert from Kelvins (K) to
degrees Celsius (°C), just subtract 273.) 

The Stellar database
has some good info, including "comfort zones", or how far away a planet
should be in AU (Astronomical Units) to be Earthlike. Earth is 1 AU away
from Sol. 

If you want random systems, have a look at

Finally, and this bit has nothing to do with the subject, a hilarious
site I found while doing a little research on the above:

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