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RE: CNP and TTN (Was Hmmm.... Was Re: OK OK I Give! (Was Powers))

From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2001 10:10:39 +1100
Subject: RE: CNP and TTN (Was Hmmm.... Was Re: OK OK I Give! (Was Powers))


>I'd like to have at least a couple of worlds, 
>for playability (gives me more places to stage 
>battles and therefore games).	The way the NAC helped
them get started makes it a bit more plausible. 
>It would also cut down on inter-tribal tension, 
>since they'd be able to place tribes with
>EXTREMELY volatile histories on different worlds.

While these are all sound reasons don't forget we're talking planets
There's an AWFUL lot of room even on small ones and I'd say an awful lot
habitats despite Hollywoods obcession with "its all desert/water/lush
jungle" visions. As far as anyone can tell, anything with a working
that will support human habitation is going to end up with many
environments. So even one planet will provide many locations for a
and a lot of settlement space - look how many habitats and different
cultures there are on this planet ;)



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