Re: Hmmm.... Was Re: OK OK I Give! (Was Powers)
From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2001 09:47:44 -0800
Subject: Re: Hmmm.... Was Re: OK OK I Give! (Was Powers)
>From: (K.H.Ranitzsch)
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: Hmmm.... Was Re: OK OK I Give! (Was Powers)
>Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 07:24:45 +0100
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Brian Bilderback" <>
> > 2. To really stick it to the LLAR. Native groups in South America
> > extremely oppressed, it is well-documented. By encouraging these
> > seek independence, they create a new enemy for the LLAR (The enemy
of my
> > enemy....).
>As a statement about the real-world situation referring to ALL Native
>American groups in present-day South Amereica,
WHERE do you see the word ALL in my words above? I am simply saying
the problem is present in enough places to give rise to the possibility
at least one or two groups being friendly to the CNP goals. However, to
fair, for the most part the CNP WILL be North American Native groups.
>this is quite an
>exaggeration. There are severe problems in many places, but some white,
>black or mixed groups suffer similarly, and elsewhere, Indios are the
>majority ad have considerable cultural and political influence.
True enough, but there are enough opressed groups to make it
It would be interesting to see what would really happen if you tried to
all the peoples and governments of South America together. They are not
homogenous people, and many of the countries down there have quite a bit
animosity towards each other. I'm sure the tension between euro- and
Latinos would be measurable.
>In the GZG universe, you can of course make up what you like.
Also, the GZG universe will allow for further propaganda campaigns that
might skew Indians to view things as my history timeline propounds.
Note however,
>that I have done website on the LLAR.
I read it. Interesting that you have them claiming but not holding
territories on Earth. This would make it much easier to implement an
outer-space colonial Indian nation, since the NAC would have access to
the groups. In addition, in the game, characters might ask how much of
website is how it REALLY is, and how much is LLAR propaganda?
>Here, the active contribution of Native American groups such as the
>and Guarani is positve and substantial.
See above comment re: propaganda.
> > We encourage Native tribes from the LLAR (eg Miskitos, Yanomami)
>as well."
>Ofcourse, in such a diverse universe, there is enough opportunity for
>groups to settle their own worlds :-)
> > (These LLAR Indians would be used in LLAR mostly for slave labor,
>A pretty wild guess - do I detect some anti-Latino bias here ? -
None whatsoever, and I resent the implication. I am merely trying to
present a view that would be held by the citizens of my power, however
correct or incorrect it might be.
>Slavery has
>been outlawed in Latin America, like everywhere else, since the 19th
It may be outlawed, but it still exists, albeit in different forms that
not recognized as "slavery".
>Harsh labour conditions do exist in places, admittedly.
Harsh and not always voluntary. There may not be slavery in the form of
individual owning another, but there IS government oppression, and
who feel they are exploited. Perhaps I should have avoided the word
slavery, since in it's literal meaning it does not exist. But
still does for many indians.
>economic progress in the future will eliminate these is anyone's guess,
>it is the (optimistic) assumption I made in my website.
Overly optimistic, IMO.
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