Re: OT - Jungle Trees
From: Popeyesays@a...
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 12:31:34 EST
Subject: Re: OT - Jungle Trees
In a message dated 11/1/01 6:18:55 AM Central Standard Time, writes:
> do like the GW jungle trees. You can make a good number from each
> and they look
> very nice when they are assembled -- a coat of thinned down green ink
> the bare
> plastic makes them look even better. I've just learned that you have
> put them on
> bigger bases, or glue several of them to one big base. Otherwise,
trees of
> any
> significant height become very unstable.
Check out a "Cake Decorating" Store - you know - birthday and holiday
that kind of stuff. They usually sell Palm Trees VERY CHEAPLY.