Re: Pantropists/OU connection
From: johncrim@v...
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 07:07:53 -0500
Subject: Re: Pantropists/OU connection
> I dunno; these 'connections' sound like the kind of thing I expect out
> the National Enquirer, not the Defense Weekly...
> ***
> > The Pantropists will specialize in hit-and-run attacks and commando
> raids, hoping to
> > disrupt fledgling colonies.
> Now I *know* they've infiltrated the OU, because this is the form of
> warfare that is the OU's trademark.
> ***
> It also describes the Texaco Free Tade Zone's modus operandi, but
> just because they are small, weak, and, for the most part, too stupid
> accomplish anything larger. Oh, sure, you can argue if they're so
> they'd try. Well, they're dedicated, not suicidal. And, the stupidity
> includes a certain lack of the 'vision' thing.
> Also, given their 'corporate citizenship' history, trust me, NO group
> even eco-theory leanings would touch this bunch with a ten-foot energy
> lance.
> Now, if you were suggesting that the Pantropists were receiving
> support...
> Wait, who are...
> *ack-ack* *gasp* *gurgle*
> I'm sorry, what was I thinking? Illuminati existing? How absurd!
Man, them Orbital Mind-Control Lasers have come in handy over the years!
John Crimmins
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