Books for SG2
From: "Eli Arndt" <emu2020@w...>
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 09:07:12 -0800
Subject: Books for SG2
Hello all,
I know this subject has been touched on countless times and even this
idea, I am sure, has been discussed. I was wondering if any thought had
been given to a Fleet Book style volume for SG2.
This book could cover the canon forces and establish the "norm" for them
in the Tufflyverse. I imagine a 2-3 page spread for each faction. A
page of line drawings showing common uniform as well as insignia and the
faction's ground forces banner.
Another page of TO&E and then a page of weapon, armor, vehicle stats.
I think this would be a valuable resource to players and a nice piece of
work to own.
Just an idea,