Re: PA carried DFFGs?
From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 16:13:48 -0700
Subject: Re: PA carried DFFGs?
Jaime Tiampo wrote:
> > And the Gear Krieg stuff is, I THINK, the same scale as the HG, but
> > quote me.
>The new HG is 1/100, Gear Krieg is 15mm, and the old HG is HO or about
Hey! You quoted me!!!!
Thanks for clearing that up. So if HO is 20mm, it's a bit too big for
games, too small for 25mm. Doesn't that just suck. Too bad, because
NEW HG and JC mecha are perfect in size as PA inf when used with OLD HG
infantry and Mecha. Maybe the Gear Krieg stuff can be kit bashed to
eliminate the Retro look, used for futuristic Sci Fi a la SG.
Incidentally, some of the weapons carried by the humanoid JC figs would
great for adding to DS vehicles.
"The Irish are the only race of people on Earth for which psychoanalysis
of no use."
- S. Freud