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Re: Heavy IAVRs

From: Jaime Tiampo <fugu@s...>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 14:48:15 -0700
Subject: Re: Heavy IAVRs

Eli Arndt wrote:

> SG is such a simple system that I am sometimes a bit cautious when
making arbitrary changes to stats.  Games with more stats are easier for
me because I have more hard info to work with.

I find the FMA system very easy to create and modify stats. You first
decide what the weapon you're creating does, both for amount of fire,
damage, and how good it is against point and dispersed targets, then you
work of the base of a D8.

In FMA D8 is the middle die type. You have two shifts up and 2 shifts

Say you want to make a MLR Large.

It'll be very good at hitting infantry, good at killing them, and only
ok against vehicles.

So you'd look at:
Firepower = D12
Impact = D10, D8 against point targets

To balance it out you'd probably make it take 2 mass and have it
separately mounted if used by infantry.

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