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Re: Stan Johansen miniatures

From: johncrim@v...
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 14:26:39 -0500
Subject: Re: Stan Johansen miniatures

> >John Crimmins
> Thanks for the input.
> >The Klackon, on the other hand, will look just fine.  They certainly
> >aren't humanoid, and should present no problems in size.
> That begs another question I was loath to ask until someone spoke up
> has actually seen the minis...How big ARE the Klackon figures?

The Klackon body is about 25mm..well not quite *square*, but you know
what I mean.  The
legs are very long, and the display figures that Stan sent us stood very
tall: the top of
the shell was at about the same level as a 25mm figure's head.	You
could probably
assemble them with a wider stance, so that they don't stand so high. 
And the legs could
certainly be bent a little bit, too.

One other non-humanoid alien came to mind today, too: John McEwan's

Definately small 25mm scale, and if I were ever to put mine together I
would use real
shells instead of the metal ones...but they are kind of neat.  I'm not a
big Riveresco
fan, but there are some real gems hidden in his pages.

John Crimmins

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