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Re: Pics of Eureka 100 Club minis ...

From: Mark Sykes <tardis@b...>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 09:28:07 +1000
Subject: Re: Pics of Eureka 100 Club minis ...

At 5:46 AM -0400 24/9/2001, Jon Davis wrote:
>Ted Arlauskas wrote:
>>  I was surfing around Eureka's 100 Club a little while ago and
>>  noticed that the 'Apes w/guns' and 'US Special Ops w/MP5' are
>>  now in production.	Anyone got pics?
>>  -Ted
>I ordered 18 of the US Spec Ops forces as a part of the original
>100 figures set to put them into production.  They have not been
>released yet.	'In production' means that they are on the queue
>for the sculptor.

Nic just sent me samples of both
I will try to scan them and send them to Derek, [G'day Derek] & ask 
him to post them on his site.

The ape looks quite not-like a recently released movie's characters.
The MP5 carrier prototype is scaled to fit the rest of the Eureka-GZG 
25 mm range and is kitted out so far in light gear. The production 
figures are due to be multi-part to allow for pose variation. I am 
looking forward to them.

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