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RE: [SG]Unit Cohesion

From: agoodall@c...
Date: 20 Sep 2001 09:14:25 -0700
Subject: RE: [SG]Unit Cohesion

On Thu, 20 September 2001, "Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" wrote:

> Except observing is an action. The disorganized unit could 
> not perform the Observe action to find out if a counter was 
> real or a dummy.

Except that a hidden unit is observed if within line of sight in the
open. Unless, of course, it's something that this doesn't happen to,
such as mines and booby traps.

I guess this is open to interpretation. Is a pilot a squad, in which
case he is spotted automatically when the squad comes within LOS, or is
he a "special case" requiring a spotting roll?

The implication in the rules, though, is that only the squad leader can
spot. So, the implication is that figures out of unit integrity don't
count. LOS is still measured from the centre of the squad to the centre
of the squad. Splitting up the figures in this way doesn't allow them to

I always thought that was maybe a little too limiting. I see, now, why
it's like that. 
> In all cases, it was pretty cheezy (though innovative). The 
> only legtimate reason, that I can think of, for a unit to 
> disorganize (different from detachments) would be to avoid 
> the entire unit being captured (Special Forces team is 
> faced with overwhelming opposition and decides to "split 
> up and meet at the rendezvous point at 21:00".)

I would allow a unit to disorganize if coming under an artillery


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