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RE: [SGII] Zombies

From: John Crimmins <johncrim@v...>
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 21:58:46 -0400
Subject: RE: [SGII] Zombies

At 02:42 PM 9/18/01 +1000, you wrote:
>G'day John,
>>Trust me on this.
>Oh I trust you implicitly John... was that a maniacal laugh I just
>from you? ;)
>>Fortunately, this is the kind
>>of thing that lends itself pretty 
>>easily to solo playtesting.  
>>Zombie tactics are pretty
>>simple, after all.
>Unless of course they happen to have read "Advanced and interesting
>for zombies volume 3"... oh don't laugh, this is serious stuff!! Lachy
>pulled that one on me...
>Lachy and Janneke are playing "our kids only FMA Mum!" with his
>outlaws, dragons and zombie...
>"Umm, shouldn't that zombie just kinda amble forward with its arms out
>front Lachy?"
>"No this ones has read advanced and interesting tactics for zombies
>At which point he points at his sister's latest attempt at "a book" (in
>very loosest sense of the word).
>You've gotta love them... I've got no choice really, they'd scare me to
>death if I didn't ;)

Frightening though Zombies can be, kids have 'em beat.	And for sheer
destructive potential, nothing beats a two year old.

Except, as I have learned to my sorrow, a "roomfull* of two year olds. 
was lucky to escape with my life from that one.

John Crimmins

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