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Alarishi sanity, was Re: Name Changes

From: "Chris DeBoe" <LASERLIGHT@Q...>
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 12:48:04 -0400
Subject: Alarishi sanity, was Re: Name Changes

The NRE Office of Barbarians said:
>"Half the reason we deal with them is the humor value"

Are you thinking of Jack Old Ron, or GeekSoft?

Jack Old Ron is of course the renowned author of the classic children's
series Silly Sheep.  It used to be that children at bedtime would go to
sleep by counting sheep jumping over a fence; however, Silly Sheep never
quite manage to make it over the fence.  They waterski, they tie
to kites, they pole vault (more difficult than you'd think, with
they fire themselves from circus cannons--one even disguised himself as
artichoke and, when last seen, was inching down the hill in an attempt
take the fence by surprise.  The Silly Sheep series has been translated
38 languages; over three billion copies have downloaded.  Jack Old Ron
also known for his visually stunning trideo epics (To Ride a Painted
Lance of Light; The Colour of Her Name), and for the fact that he is the
sole population of an Alarishi sovereignity.

GeekSoft is known to programmers as the producer of GeOS, and to
lines for the SkyNet traffic management system, but most consumers know
as the producers of the Max Hyrax games.   Originally intended as a
children's game, the ridiculous antics of Max and his bumbling gecko
sidekick caught on among adult gamers; even twelve years after the
debut, Max's trademark observation ("Crud!") often reduces Hyrax addicts

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