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Re: ADFC, Vector, SMs and Fighters...

From: kaime@m...
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 17:29:59 -0400
Subject: Re: ADFC, Vector, SMs and Fighters...

Thank you Jon for that further clarification.

I hope you are not sore that your response bounced from my list to this
it wasn't my doing.

Thanks again, maybe my group can play again.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ground Zero Games <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Date: Sunday, August 12, 2001 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: ADFC, Vector, SMs and Fighters...

>>> Ryan is correct however about the other part of the issue.	We have
>>a 30+
>>> member group (15 of which are very active)
>><green with envy>
>>> tow Con with our events Ryan) someone told us we were using things
>>> since everything goes to 3 MU when playing Vector Movement.
>>If "everything" means SMR and fighters, yes.	Not ADFC, or
>>submunitions, or PTorps, etc, which all have 6mu in their
>Sorry guys, I think I've stirred this up by not reading Aimee's initial
>question carefully enough before answering it	- in defence I would say
>that I was trying to deal with rather a lot of stuff at the time....
>I've also been a bit behind on reading the mass of emails this weekend,
>didn't pick up on this thread until tonight.
>Laserlight is correct in what he says above - the answer I SHOULD have
>given is that if you're going to go to 3mu for SMs in vector (keeping
>mind that this is an option anyway, then anything else that relies on
>pre-ship-movement counter or model placement for it's effect should
also go
>to 3mu to keep it consistant. Thus Phalon PBs also go to 3mu, and
>attack range should as well. All the things that do NOT rely on
>the enemy's positioning should remain at 6mu, such as ADFC radius,
>Submunition pack range etc.
>Hoping this makes more sense, and may clear up some of the arguments;
>unfortunately, unlike FASA, WoTC etc, I don't have a staff on hand to
>with rules queries!!  ;-)
>Jon (GZG)

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