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RE: FT Taskforce and Fleet Actions

From: Ryan M Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 14:03:45 -0400
Subject: RE: FT Taskforce and Fleet Actions

At 1:37 PM -0400 8/7/01, Bell, Brian K (Contractor) wrote:
>I always thought that the jump might produce a taychon pulse,
>from in-system. Useful for campaigns, but just PSB.
>Looking at the the rules for FTL drift and the description of
>jump in FB1, it appears that there are some forces at work
>that make jumping difficult to calculate (aether currents,
>slow passage of the dimentions over each other, butterfly-
>effect, etc.). If you assume the jump drift described in FT2
>is for the final (relativly short) jump, it could be possible
>that the jump-drift multiplies (maybe even expodentially)
>with distance jumped.

Makes sense.

>So that a 1au jump may generate drift of 1-36mu. A 10au jump
>may produce a 10-360mu or 1-36^10mu drift. So jumping from
>star to star might give a jump drift in au.

Aye, sounds like a reason for *gasp* a table!

>The Fluff on p44 of FB1 indicates that the deeper in a gravity
>well a ship is, the shorter distance it can jump. I assume
>that this also applies if the jump exit is further in the
>gravity well.
>It sounds as if a ship will take several jumps (4+?) out of
>a system, jump interstellar distance, and then take several
>jumps back in to a system to get back down the gravity well.

I tend to think that the jumps from systems to another system will be 
like golf from one side of course to the other as opposed to just 
towards the next hole (a next system jump which would be easier and 
shorter). You tee off from the edge of the system and then as you get 
closer to the hole (target System) you are headed towards, you 
shorten up your leaps/strokes and have smaller error rates.

- Ryan Montieth Gill		 ----------	      SW1025 H -
-   Internet Technologies  --  Data Center Manager (3N &10S)   -
- -
-		       -
-	      I speak not for CNN, nor they for me	       -
- C&R-FFL -	Toronto, Gun down some squeegee kids,	 - NRA -
-		 Then you can host the Olympics too!	       -	 

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