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Re: FT-Movement, corkscrewing

From: Charles Taylor <charles.taylor@c...>
Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2001 19:03:23 +0100
Subject: Re: FT-Movement, corkscrewing

In message
	  "Izenberg, Noam" <> wrote:

> From: Charles Taylor <>
> > One further point, I'd specify that the thrust required for a
> > _must_ count as manoeuvre thrust, which would:
> > a) limit the manoeuvre to ships with at least Main Drive 6 (or
> > Drive 3), which would effectively prevent most large ships from
using it
> >...b) The likelihood of a ship being able to both corkscrew _and_
turn is
> > very low, so the 'damage if ship turns and corkscrews' rule could
> >probably be dropped.
> I kind of like this idea, but...
> Looking at FB1, the total number of ships that could use the roll to
> benefit with this restriction are:
> ESU: None
> FSE: San Miguel, Suffren, Milan, Jerez,Ypres (1XC2 on each)
> NSL: None
> NAC: Tacoma, Ticonderoga, Huron, Vandenburg (1XC2 on each)
> So it becomes useful for pretty much custom ships only.
> I'd rather make the cost 4 Thrust and say ships can't turn  while
> corckscrewing.
> Noam
Well, as a counter-argument, it could be considered a pretty extreme
manoeuvre, so only highly manoeuvrable ships could do it. The problem of
making the cost 4 Thrust in total is that there are SDNs that have that
much thrust.


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