Re: Movies
From: Allan Goodall <awg@s...>
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 18:37:25 -0400
Subject: Re: Movies
On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 22:29:18 EDT, wrote:
>> "Now, see, if you combine different colours of light,
>> you get white! Try that with Play-Doh and you get
>> brown! How come?" - Alan Moore & Kevin Nolan,
>Mixing light is "additive" color mixing - primary colors are red, blue
>Mixing pigments is "subtractive" color mixing - primary colors are red,
>and YELLOW.
*sigh* You were never a child, were you sir?
Allan Goodall
Goodall's Grotto:
"Now, see, if you combine different colours of light,
you get white! Try that with Play-Doh and you get
brown! How come?" - Alan Moore & Kevin Nolan,