Re: Modelling Scales
From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 10:49:53 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Modelling Scales
On 25-Jul-01 at 10:33, Ryan Gill ( wrote:
> At 9:28 AM -0400 7/25/01, Glenn M Wilson wrote:
> >When I used 1/72nd (and even 1/87th Roco) stuff with Starguard games
> >('true' 25mm) infantry (Many brands including Reviresco) I always
> >justified it by reducing the crew to 1 or 2 and letting the "AI" do
al of
> > the non-combat stuff (drive from X to Y via Z) - less crew (and
> >or prone) makes for a smaller silhouette.
> I still question how an AI is going to get out of the tank and help
> you fix that thrown track or torn skirt.
Wouldn't a smaller tank need less crew for these issues? Also,
if you are operating multiple tanks together or in concert
with infantry (gasp) could they not help?