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Re: Captor Mines

From: "Bif Smith" <bif@b...>
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 19:19:57 +0100
Subject: Re: Captor Mines

Another idea for the mines is that each mine counter is actually 18
(at 2 mass), and each turn a target is within 6MU of a mine counter(s),
mines attack until the 18 mines are gone. For the tech level, a simple
would be to alter the number of mines that attack each turn. For low
have say 1D6-1, normal tech of 1D6, and high tech of 1D6+1.


----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Robert Blair <>
To: GZG-L <>
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 7:37 PM
Subject: Re: Captor Mines

I like the idea of using missiles as torpedo warheads.
Give the mine a rating to use for both detection and
avoidance - to reflect both its own stealthiness and
ability to avoid detection and its ability to detect a
target which is of course reflected in its cost (or TL
if you want to go down that road).

Something Like:
			  Mine Quality
Ships Signature      Low    Normal   High
Low		      N/A      6     5, 6
Normal		     5, 6     4-6      3-6
High		      4-6     3-6      2-6
Sensors Active	      ---- Automatic ----

If the mine picks up the ship it fires a salvo of
missiles which are resolved normally.

Mine Sweeping
The better quality a mine is the less likely it is to
be found, and if you can't find them your best bet is
a ship with very heavy point defences (ie. A Russian
or Iranian style sweep) - or a Nova Cannon!


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