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From: Aaron Teske <mithramuse@n...>
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 22:14:47 -0400
Subject: Re:Movies

At 08:57 PM 7/14/01 +0100, you wrote:
>I have been reading the movies sugestions without any comments so far,
but I
>will add my own <G> anyway.

And why not? ^_^

>People have said outland [snip]
>  Why it wasn`t set on either europa or titan, which
>I consider better places, is beyond me.

Charles Taylor had the same idea I did (was Outland pre-Voyager?)... 
Outland was released in 1981, the Voyagers passed by in, what, '79 and 
'80?  So given writing time & production, I'm willing to bet that our 
knowledge of the system just advanced past what was known when the story

was written.  It doesn't change the fact that's it's a great yarn. ^_^

>As for the sci-fi films, I would say all of them that involve space
ships or
>space battles.

I think people are looking for titles here. ^_-  And not Star Wars....

>For the anime, any gundam is excellent, especially any of the OAV

Um... okay.  (I've been less than impressed with most of it, though if 
you're only thinking of the battle sequences and don't mind the
robts issue they are quite good.  This is, of course, my opinion. ^_^ )

>I would also suggest nadesco, LoGH, sol bianca, gunbuster
>(highly amusing)

Amusing... okay, yes. ^_^;  LoGH is *great*, but unfortunately difficult
apply to FT battles because of the scale.  (Though I know there have
some attempts made to model the mass battles... what are the smaller
only 10,000 ships to a side? ^_- )

>and others with spaceships blowing the crap out of each
>other <G>. One of my personal favorites is bubblegum crisis, in my
>the best cyberpunk ever. Also, look up tenchi muyio (sorry for the
>spelling), for some excellent spaceship designs (grown from trees!).

Trees and crystals, yes, much fun, but sparse on the space 
battles.  (Unless you train your starship in evasive maneuvers by
it drunk.... ^_- )  It is a fun show, though, and my (older) sister
her car -- now my car -- after the starship/cabbit in question....

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