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RE: Ronin War??

From: "Adam Benedict Canning" <dahak@d...>
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 23:58:51 +0100
Subject: RE: Ronin War??

> Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 16:01:41 -0600 (MDT)
> From: Mike Stanczyk <>
> This is being advertised now in Previews now for
> release in 2-3 months.
> Giant robots, tanks, planes, etc.
> But what I can't figure out for the life of me
> is: Does this stuff come
> pre-painted or not?  Has anyone heard yet?  It
> might be useful for
> StarGrunt or DirtSide.

The Ronin Duel stuff comes unpainted and a Standard Ronin is
60-70mm high depending on whats mounted on the hardpoints.

The first run was metal but I understand there are plastic
ones as now.

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