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Re: [OT] SFSFW was Re: New New Israelis

From: steve@p...
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 14:12:17 +0100
Subject: Re: [OT] SFSFW was Re: New New Israelis

> Hi Tony, is there a cut-rate subscription available, for those of us
> who are only interested in the minis?

No. But what do you mean you're only interested in the minis? What 
about all the discounts from other manufacturers and retailers 
(including 5% off from GZG)? And what about Ragnarok?

The current subscription is half the normal price because we've run 
out of the first two issues in the current subscription period's run 
of Ragnaroks. As the membership period lasts for as long as it takes 
to publish four issues you'd be a member until after issue 33 is 
published, which could be some time off (aplogies to Steve B if he's 


The Society of Fantasy and Science Fiction Wargamers

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