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Re: Small Ships--Why?

From: Beth Fulton <beth.fulton@m...>
Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2001 15:39:50 +1000
Subject: Re: Small Ships--Why?


 >Small ships probably shouldn't show up for big battles....

Well we don't play cinematic so this may not translate across, but I
to use the little guys like an ancients army might use light
not much knowledge of naval stuff) to harrass around the edges. I've
opponents tend to concentrate on big ships (especially with direct fire 
weapons) and tend to ignore the little "pfft, pfft" from the DDs down...

until that one extra "pfft" gives them a threshold and knocks out all
FC ;)


Prev: RE: [DS] Steve Gibson's Infantry Expansion (was: [FT] Traveller Fighter Groups) Next: Re: [ft] Fighter Momentum Conservation (was: [OT] Unpredictable AI)