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Re: [OT] What makes a good miniatures web site

From: Tony Francis <tony.francis@k...>
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 15:49:31 +0100
Subject: Re: [OT] What makes a good miniatures web site

Samuel Reynolds wrote:

> Prices in US dollars.

I don't know about other manufacturers, but we calculate prices in other
currencies on the day we receive an order, using the current exchange
rate. So any prices in anything other than sterling on the website would
be approximate at best unless the website is a proper database setup
which can calculate exchange rates on the fly - and ours isn't.

And there are other countries in the world besides the US - if we were
to put up prices in the local currency of every customer we sell to,
there'd be no room left on the page for PICTURES ;-)


Tony Francis
Senior Software Engineer
Kuju Entertainment

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