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Re: [DS2] Snipers

From: "Andrew Martin" <Al.Bri@x...>
Date: Wed, 9 May 2001 21:48:23 +1200
Subject: Re: [DS2] Snipers

> The sniper team is treated as a unit unto itself for movement, morale
firing purposes.

An alternative is to consider a sniper team as part of a larger combat
grouping? I believe this was done in WW2 and maybe Korea with US Army?

> A sniper team requires 3 damage points to destroy.
> Sniper basic movement factor is 4.  (light infantry)
> Sniper Team costs 30 pts (8" range) or 40 pts (10" range).

I'd suggest that these all be the same (as much as possible) as per
specialist team for militia, line and PA infantry. Makes things simpler.
Perhaps a slight modifier for the points cost?

> Thereafter, on any activation, a sniper unit in cover may declare it
"going into hiding" and replace the stand with the counter and a dummy.

This is good.

> I wouldn't think the sniper could move once hidden.

I think it should be able to be moved, along with the dummy counter,

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169

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