: Re: The United States in Full Thrust
From: "Eli Arndt" <emu2020@w...>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 08:29:44 -0700
Subject: : Re: The United States in Full Thrust
>> Oddly enough, I've not
>> heard anyone complain about the inclusion of the almost total
>> of Israel, the crushing of the LLAR, the Chinese invasion of Russia
or the
>> apparent domination of the FSE by the French....... guess it kind of
>> depends how close to home it feels! ;-)
I would venture to guess that is because this would have muddied an
already heavily contested thread. China invading and taking over Russia
isn't that obscure an idea. I mean in Russia's current condition China
could practically send in a quarter of its population carrying sharpened
sticks and take it over especially if the US wasn't there to throw in
for its new Democratic friend.
The collapse of the LLAR probably doesn't seem all that far-fetched for
most people considering the track record (or perception there-of) of
governments South of the Border.
And, take away Germany and who England and who else in the European
community is big enough to claim the chief spot in the FSE. The
creation of the NSL from an FSE break-away makes a lot of sense,
considering how shakey things have been between Germany and the rest of
Europe. I find it amazing how many pressent-day Europeans I've talked
to still hold a grudge against Germany (if you don't that's cool, this
isn't a characterization of Europeans as a whole as I haven't met you
Break-aways are cool ideas and in individual universes are perfectly
fine. There is even room for one or two hold-outs in the Tufflyverse
and thus you have Free Cal-Tex, the Dutch, the Scandanavians, and even
the OU, Japan, and the Indoneaseans could be lumped into this.
I have to agree with all those who say that the NAC forming is just as
likely as any of the other bazillion (yes that is a technical term)
improbable, but wholey true things that have happened in history. No
Empire ever likes to realise its mortality. I mean, imagine what could
happen if China suddenly was able to make use of its full population and
get out of it's backward technological stanse.
The future holds many possibilities. Use what you like and throw out
the rest.