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Re: The United States in Full Thrust

From: Beth Fulton <beth.fulton@m...>
Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2001 12:59:22 +1000
Subject: Re: The United States in Full Thrust

G'day Don,

 >And I'm sure they did when I did peace keeping in the
 >Sinai in 79 but I think the circumstances are some
 >what different...........

Quite possibly, like I said its a bit of fun, but the possibility is
there ;)

 >None of the above,

OK put that down to made media representation of you guys ;)

 >historically Americans
 >are and to this day basically isolationists.

The media did give that impression, but I thought they'd over stated it.

I have had my go at this one, but all I was trying to say is that
is an unpredictable thing (my history past 1 AD is shakey, but I'd
that anyone 200 odd yrs back foretelling a British Empire restricted to
UK and a handful of small islands dotted around the world would have
written off) and accounting is always skewed so given what we have got
you're willing to throw in a bit of imagination (and a hell of a lot of 
tongue in cheek on occasion) you can twist it to regions you find more 
palatable ;)


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