Mail bombing
From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@f...>
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 20:17:45 -0400
Subject: Mail bombing
After sending one HTML laiden ugliness with one
mailer (and changing mailers), I managed
(through ineptitude or a poor interface) to send
three copies of this message (one got an
TCP/IP error but apparently went out anyway).
Sorry Much.
On another note, my next mini-campaign (after
CampCon is out of the way) will be the FSE/NFR
conflict. I actually suspect the NFR draws some
of its peoples from places France has had
control of but hasn't been popular. I also suspect
that a number of Quebecois (not wanting to sit
under Anglian rule) may have moved out there
and they are experienced agitators with a
sovereigntist agenda.The irony of that of course
is that they'd take NAC coin to get out from
under the FSE heel, but then, given half a
chance, tell the NAC to bog off too (probably the
NAC realize this, but giving the FSE a pain in
the arse is worth a few pounds sterling).
Tomb Raider