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Re: [OT] Lens and Filter Considerations (was RE: [OT] Digital Cameras)

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 08:41:17 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [OT] Lens and Filter Considerations (was RE: [OT] Digital Cameras)

On  5-Apr-01 at 17:41, ( wrote:
> On Thu, 05 April 2001, Roger Books wrote:
> > I thought a normal lens for most of the digitals was around 35mm,
> > is this incorrect?
> That seems to be about right. It's pretty standard now, too, for SLRs.

No, a 35mm SLR has a normal lens of 55mm.  A "Normal" lens is the one
that puts the same area of view as the eye across the film.  If you have
a 35mm that's a 55mm, if you have a view camera with a 4inch x 5inch 
negative that's about 135mm.

> > Holding
> > close with a wider angle should give you more DOF.
> And I've used my wide angle for FT pictures. For SG minis, I find that
> can't take shots of solitary figures with the wide angle. The other 
> problem is sometimes the depth of field is TOO great. Sometimes you 
> want that background nice and blurry.  

Too much DOF with macro photography?  I'm impressed.

As this is off-topic if you want to reply please do so off list.

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