Re: [FH] Third world stellar nations
From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 21:37:12 -0400
Subject: Re: [FH] Third world stellar nations
Glenn asked:
> >Um, the PAU? And parts of the ESU, and the Indonesian guys?
> >
> >As a 'third world' Regional Analyst in (so called) real life, I
> >these are third world. no?? <grin> They won't have *all* the toys
> >they are (in our game world) out among the stars.
I've been thinking that the Major Powers at the time of invention
of FTL drive would probably start off making claims to entire planets;
however, the smaller nations would apply pressure, one way or another,
to get a share of the new real estate, and eventually you'd see a
major power being obligated to take along three or four minor powers
when opening a new world. You'd see a lot of negotiation going on
over who is going in on which expedition--"I know it's Madagascar's
turn, but Venezuela has oil so we're inviting them instead" and "Benin
isn't in a position to launch its colony so it's offering its
colonizing rights to the highest bidder; the ESU has offered them two
billion credits plus an air defense network."