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Publishing the out of print bits of MT (was RE: In praise of Cott age Industry)

From: "Jones, Tim" <tjones@a...>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 07:52:02 +0100
Subject: Publishing the out of print bits of MT (was RE: In praise of Cott age Industry)

Jon of Needham wrote:

>In fact, as we're not going to reprint it, if anyone wants to put any
>of MT up as something like PDF downloadables (not the whole book, but
>bits that haven't yet been superseded by other published material) then
>that'd be OK too 

I'll come up with what I think is the relevant material and then 
post it as a web page (after checking with the publisher).

>(as long as you don't charge anyone to access them of
>course!!  <grin>)

Now that would be taking the piss <g>. Everything to date has
been gratis.

>Further to my own last post (above), Paul Owen has just suggested that
>he'll put the relevant PDFs etc up on the GZG online catalogue site;
>will make things easier, since I can supply him direct with the page
>from the book.

Hopefully this will happen soon? (so when is the online catalogue going 
to get some decent pictures).

>Tim, you're still welcome to copy the fighter rules and any other bits
>want for your site as well, as above.

Thanks I will.

Tim Jones    Adaptive Broadband Ltd.
e: w:
t: +44 (0)1223 713473 f: +44 (0)1223 713714

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