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Re: [DSII] Stratchbuilding AA

From: Glenn M Wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 19:33:00 EST
Subject: Re: [DSII] Stratchbuilding AA

YES, Yes, yes!!!!  A thousand times "Yes!"

Yeah, I think I can live with the idea...

Gracias, Glenn/Triphibious (American Mongrel)
You don't have to be French to be a 'frog', or even human!
Nektons - Real Marines! (Die, Ralnai, Die!)
Starguard, Dirtside 2,	Ratner's Space Marines, Stellar Conflicts
and Uprisings, and Full Thrust/2nd.  Resistance is everything!

On Thu, 29 Mar 2001 20:49:13 +0100 Ground Zero Games <>
>>On 29-Mar-01 at 00:10, John Crimmins ( wrote:
>>> I have a large army of Ogre miniatures that I want to convert into 
>>> force.  For the most part, it shouldn't be a problem -- I have 
>tanks, APCs,
>>> artillery, support vehicles, plenty of infantry...the only thing 
>that I
>>> really need are a few Area-Defense Vehicles.
>>> I figure that my best bet is to create an AA module that I can 
>"plug" into
>>> the back of the Combine GEVPC miniature --
>>> -- a flat 
>>> plate should fit into the depression without difficulty, and a bit 
>of putty
>>> will hold in place while gaming.  I'm not sure how to go about 
>creating the
>>> guns, though...any ideas?
>>> I need to come up with a method that is cheap, easy, and looks 
>>> Ideally, I'd like to be able to just order some AA turrets from
>>> somewhere...but I don't know of anyone that I can order separate 
>>> from.  Scratchbuilding seems to be called for, but I cannot think 
>>> anything that *I* could build that would look at all convincing.
>>> Any ideas?
>>Too bad you can't order individual parts from GZG, the side tubes
>>for the UNSC SDN work well for this.
>Well, we DO sometimes sell individual bits if people ask us very
>nicely.....  ;-)
>Would people be interested if we listed a pack or two of assorted 6mm
>turrets and bits in the range?
>Such packs would probably consist of a random assortment of  various
>turrets/weapon mounts from the DSM range vehicles, to do mix/match and
>convert other miniatures. Let me know quickly if yes, and I'll squeeze 
>into the new catalogue.....
>Jon (GZG)

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