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Re: Command Reactivation)

From: Glenn M Wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 19:33:00 EST
Subject: Re: Command Reactivation)

On Thu, 29 Mar 2001 21:08:03 +0100 Ground Zero Games <>
>A quick question to all out there; not terribly relevant to anthing in
>particular, but maybe an interesting topic for discussion...
>When you are playing a ground combat game (any game, not just SG or 
>what "role" do you see YOU, as the player, actually playing - it it 
>highest level commander ON-TABLE (eg: the Company Commander if you've 
>got a
>company deployed on the table), or the next higher command level 
>the battle from off-table (the Battalion Commander in the foregoing
>Personally, I've always felt that in SG or FMA it's probably the 
>and in DS the latter - but YMMV, so what do you think?
>Jon (GZG)

In Starguard (or any 'skirmish' game - sorry, Jon I don't have/play
Stargrunt, DS and FT is enough - along with fantasy and historicals
(Matchlocks on the Warpath, anyone?) ) I play the on scene commander.

In DS II and other 'higher' level settings i play the overall on-scene
commander (especially DS2 level) or sometimes the off table commander,
the ratio climbs past 1:1 for vehicles...  Off-scene command seems too
much of the 200 foot tall commander in most settings for miniatures.

Gracias, Glenn/Triphibious (American Mongrel)
You don't have to be French to be a 'frog', or even human!
Nektons - Real Marines! (Die, Ralnai, Die!)
Starguard, Dirtside 2,	Ratner's Space Marines, Stellar Conflicts
and Uprisings, and Full Thrust/2nd.  Resistance is everything!

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