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Re: [FT] ECM

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 13:29:33 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [FT] ECM

On 29-Mar-01 at 13:27, Sean Bayan Schoonmaker (
> >There is a reason our campaign system uses the ECM rules it
> >does.  If you have perfect knowledge of ships at 48" there
> >is no point to ECM.
> Two worms for the can:
> 1) Very few people ever used the FT2 Sensors/ECM rules.
> 2) Virtually all FT battles are "full knowledge" from the get go.
> This led me to the conclusion that Electronics rules needed to be 
> relatively transparent at the tabletop level, and be used more at the 
> grand tactical or strategic level.
> Oh - and there are plenty of situations where even complete knowledge 
> of a larger enemy force will not "force" a retreat.

Yes, but in those situations the ECM status on strategic level
will have no affect either.  I'm not saying you can't have 
unequal battles, I'm saying that if you don't have ECM at a 
tactical level you may as well not bother.

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