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Re: Starship Basing Alternatives

From: Shawn M Mininger <smininger@y...>
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 08:06:23 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Starship Basing Alternatives

OK, the nice metal bases you can get at the same place
you order all the official FT
miniatures......GeoHex!!!  Just go to the Full Thrust
section and there is a menu choice for 'bases, wings,
& things'  You can order 4 metal bases for US$7.50.  I
actually like the metal bases the best as they already
have facing markers on them.  I order extra metal
bases even for my smaller ships and any non GZG ships.
 That way my fleet is consistant and facings are
easier to deal with.

If you want a cheaper way out, try this......go to
your local home improvement store and buy some nice
heavy washers and some fairly heavy roofing nails. 
You can then snip the tip off the nails and glue the
head of the nail to the heavy washer.........taaadaaa
instant base.  This works well because it's cheap, and
you can vary the weight of the stand by how heavy
washers and nails you choose.

--- Frits Kuijlman <> wrote:
> > > would like to know if anyone has any good
> alternative ideas for basing them
> > > rather than spindly, stick-like flight bases
> There are some photos in More thrust (I think) of
> bigger bases used for capital
> ships. There are still spindly, but they seem to be
> metal, and are probably
> quite heavy. I haven't a clue though where to get
> those.
> There was also a discussion recently about building
> flight bases yourself.
> Don't know if it was here or on r.g.m.m.
> One idea was to use 2 different diameters of square
> tubing so you can remove
> the ships from the base for storage. The thing that
> has been bugging me about
> this idea though is how to make square holes in a
> metal base. I don't have a
> square drill:-)
> Frits
> (who is thinking about getting into FT but has too
> much unpainted lead
>  as it is)
> -- 
> Frits Kuijlman		    
> F.Kuijlman@{its,cs,twi}
> Delft University of Technology		      
>  The Netherlands

Thank You,

Shawn M Mininger

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