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Re: In praise of Cottage Industry

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 10:00:40 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: In praise of Cottage Industry

On 27-Mar-01 at 09:55, Andy Cowell ( wrote:
> In message
> "Be ll, Brian K (Contractor)" writes:
> > 
> > I would think that FT3 should be the first priority. Now before the
> Frrrrrrp!  Freakin' Vacheads. ;) "Forget it, Rico.  Mobile Infantry
> and Fleet don't mix."
> > outcry, let me explain why. It is somewhat unfair to ask your
> > customers to purchase a book that is over half obsolete. Many
> True, but at least "the rules are out there."  I would say to John:
> don't neglect the Vacheads, since they're helping to subsidize what we
> know you really want to work on, the ground pounding rules, but here's
> what I'd like to see in order:
>   It seems to me that this game could really draw in new players.
>   It's new, it's "lower scale" and IMO might be more attractive to
>   40kers than SG2 was.

So you would jump on the new and nifty before putting out DSIII to
support an already extensive range of miniatures????  I'm not going
to suggest what should be done next, it's not my business and not
my income, it's just this suggestion seems...odd.

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