Re: [SG] 15mm group composition
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 13:28:28 +0000
Subject: Re: [SG] 15mm group composition
>"Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" wrote:
>> Does anyone know what the composition of the 15mm Stargrunt figures
are? The
>> regular troops come 8 to a pack and the PA 6 to a pack. The only
picture on
>> the catalog web site is
>> supposedly of NSL regular infantry. The picture only shows 6 figures.
>> these I would guess that these are either 3 rifle troops, 1 PIG, 1
GAC, and
>> 1 SAW or 3 rifle, 1 GSM/P, 1 PIG, and 1 SAW.
>I've never noticed before, but this picture is a bit of a mish-mash of
>Only the centre two figures are NSL (a grunt and the SAW gunner). The
>right hand two are FSE (grunt and SAW gunner again). I'm not sure of
>left two, until I get home and check my unpainted collection I can't be
>sure. They _might_ be UNSC.
Yes, that pic is a mix of two figs each from the first three packs we
did -
We've just shot the pictures for the new catalogue, a separate photo of
each pack showing all 8 figs (6 for PA) including the duplicates, so you
will see exactly what you get. These pics will be forwarded to Paul
for the major update of the online catalogue in due course, but this may
take a little while to do so don't expect to see them in the next few
In general, each pack of light infantry consists of 1 NCO, 1 SAW, 1
and a mix of 5 riflemen (usually 2 of one and 3 of the other from 2
different poses). The PA packs have an NCO, a SAW, and 4 standard suits
with hand weapons, 2 of which have shoulder missile packs.
Jon (GZG)