Re: [SG] Scenario Idea--LONG
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 19:43:13 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [SG] Scenario Idea--LONG
--- Aaron Teske <> wrote:
> At 05:46 PM 3/21/01 -0800, mml wrote:
> >Yup. BTW, is there anyone else in easy driving
> >distance (let's say VA, MD, maybe southern PA)
> who's
> Aw, not NJ? ^_- (At least after the job switch I'll
> be a lot closer to MD
> than I am currently....)
I don't schlep up to NJ unless it's for a full Con
(Went to ShoreCon one year--enjoyed it).
> >up for some gaming with the man/myth/legend? I
> seem
> >to recall there was a whole passel of folks up in
> >B'more.
> Hey, time to plug Indy's player location page!
> <grin>
Yeah, yeah. I don't need it for where I'm going--the
internet is a wonderful thing. I'm already e-mailing
back and forth with my fan club in Kileen. :)
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