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RE: Destroyers

From: "laserlight@q..." <>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 12:26:48 -0500
Subject: RE: Destroyers

>What are people's opinions? Do you build a class of
fleet destroyers optimised as escorts with ADFCs and a
heavy point defence battery and a separate class of
DDs optimised for attack - with heavier beam or
missile armament whose main defence from missiles or
fighters is speed.

I'd build a DD mass about 34 or so, give it the option for an ADFC+PDS
package or an attack package.  IIRC my DDs have 9 mass available for
weapons payload, so ADFC version might have 5PDS + 1ADFC + 1B2 (3 arc)
for knocking down corvettes.  Antiship version might have 1SMR-ER + 1 B3
(1arc) or 2 B2 (3arc); or 2B2 (3arc) + 1 B1 + 4 submunition packs; or
2B2 (3arc) + 1FCS + 2 needles (or Heavy Needle from last week's WotW);
or plenty of other variants.

I would not try to combine ADFC + attack variants.

The attack DD's main defense against fighters/missiles is either having
an ADFC variant in the formation or, more likely, not being worth
shooting at. 

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