Re: non-painting record was: 2300 AD --> DS2/SG2
From: johncrim@v...
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 16:03:31 -0500
Subject: Re: non-painting record was: 2300 AD --> DS2/SG2
> wrote:
> >
> > > means its taken be about 6 years to paint the figures, is this a
> > > record?
> >
> > Hardly. I have a Ral Partha Oriental Dragon that I started painting
> > when my son was 1 year old. He is now 14. And on a not-so-recent
> > on another mailing list, that was not by any means the longest time.
> Hmm, I'd have to say that my record is for the RP Battletech
Battlemaster mini that
> I've had for the past 14 years. I paint a LOT of minis, mainly
Warhammer 40K,
> Battletech, and FT, and have never had a problem, but for some reason
when I look
> at that Battlemaster, I get a mental block as far as how to paint it.
I must've
> started and stripped it at least a dozen times over the years. Maybe
one of these
> days I'll just paint it Day-Glo Orange and call it good.....
For me, it's those damn 25mm Ral Partha "Kurita Battletroops". I have
close to a hundred
of them, with the 1/72nd scale vehicles to match, and I just cannot
paint them to my own
satisfaction. I've tried five or six times, and the result either looks
horrible or takes
too long to paint. I'm due for another try in the near future.
John Crimmins
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