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From: "Casquilho, Daniel" <Daniel.Casquilho@d...>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 08:16:30 -0800
Subject: RE: [FT] UNSC

Hell All,

	I have to say Brian has put into words how I have seen the UNSC 
as well. Although Brian is much more elequint then I :-)

	Well done Brian.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bell, Brian K (Contractor) []
> Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 4:14 AM
> To: ''
> Subject: RE: [FT] UNSC
> I have taken a slightly different turn on the UNSC.
> The UN is still made up of the governments of the inner 
> sphere (and some Rim
> states). 
> In 2014, Spain takes Gibraltar from Britain. The EC refuses 
> to take military
> or economic action (Cannon to this point). Britain (and 
> tacitly the US) push
> for the UN to step in. The EC uses its veto power to keep the UN
> peacekeeping forces from interfering. Britain and the US call for an
> independent peacekeeping force for the UN, made up of permanent,
> professional soldiers. The EC, Russia, and China balk at this idea.
> In 2027, the destruction of Israel again brings calls for an 
> independent UN
> force. The motion is barely defeated.
> In 2037, the destruction of Delhi by Sikh fundamentalist 
> provides the last
> straw. The UN is granted the right to train, keep, and deploy its own
> professional army. Volunteer forces are still provided by 
> member nations,
> however.
> This proves to be a timely move as the world enters into the "Time of
> Consolidation" (2039-2123). The UNP (UN Peacekeepers) grows 
> over this time
> as soldiers leave "consolidated" territories and would rather 
> fight for the
> UN than for the conquerors.
> The largest influxes are in
>   2047 Coup in Moscow. Many join the RH forces, many join the UN.
>   2050-2057 2nd American Civil War.  
>   2072 LLAR looses Earth holdings
> Although the UNP is semi-independent, it still has to deal 
> with pressure and
> vetoes of the UN member-states.
> 2137-2142 The First Solar War
> 2143 The horrors of the First Solar War brings the UN to 
> create the United
> Nations Space Command (UNSC). This force is charged with security of
> shipping in the inner colonies. To this end it is given autonomy as a
> member-state of the UN and is funded in a major way through 
> tariffs on goods
> and travel within the inner colonies. The UNP is folded into 
> the UNSC at
> this time also. This gives the UNSC an income independent of the UN
> member-state donations and thus greater independence of action.
> 2145 The Second Solar War. With the outbreak of the 2nd Solar 
> War, the calls
> to bring the UNSC back under control of the Political UN 
> quietly die away as
> the need for an independent force becomes clear. 
> The independent nature of this peacekeeping force is 
> attractive to many and
> they have no problem recruiting members for forces, 
> scientists for research
> and exploration, and funding from philanthropists.
> Anyway, that's my take on them.
> -----
> Brian Bell

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