Re: Thinking of aspects of PA in urban fighting [FMAS] [General]
From: "clourenco" <clourenco@s...>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 07:51:36 -0500
Subject: Re: Thinking of aspects of PA in urban fighting [FMAS] [General]
I also sense people tend to assume building materials will continue to
flimsy while everything else in the Universe seems to go up in stength.
Doesn't jive in all cases IMO.
----- Original Message ----- >
>- problems fitting through doors and into warrens or rooms with low
> ceilings
> Without damaging the structure and making tons of noise, yup.
> [Bri] If they try to bull thier way through doors, hallways, etc. that
> do not fit in (rather than crouch, twist, turn to get through without
> damage), I suggest that they make some sort of breaching check.
> Material Light PA Heavy PA
> Glass, Plaster, siding +2 +0
> Weakened block or brick +4 +2
> Block, brick, or concrete Breaching Charge +4
> Required
> Roll vs. Quality. Success indicates the PA moves as normal (creates a
> man-sized breach). Failure indicates PA moves as encumbered (creates
> man-sized breach). Failure under 1/2 the required number indicates the
> damaged and can only move 1/2 of its previous rating.
> >- not so great at negotiating stairs, ropes or ladders (does fine on
> >for the handicapped, elevators, and cargo lifts)
> Ladders might be bypassed by climbing the verticals rather than
> the slats but still not so great
> [Bri] And there is the weight problem. Many ladders are only rated for
> 300lbs. PA would be substantially heaver than this.