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Re: FW: London Times Article

From: Aaron Teske <ateske@H...>
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 23:02:01 -0500
Subject: Re: FW: London Times Article

At 03:40 PM 3/8/01 +0000, Jon T wrote:
>>On the other hand, as I can see lots of 'life or death' situations
>>with several of these changes, my naivete is shocked that
>>would do such things. It's one thing to alter a song recording...
>IIRC, it was reported that the stellar cartographers for the Traveller
>starmap did the same thing to guard against other game publishers
>off all their hard work - the map is (mostly) as accurate as they could
>make it, but there are just a couple of spurious, fictional stars or
>deliberate "errors" in there to catch the unwary copier and give their
>lawyers the necessary ammunition....

I think there were also a few alterations to help fit what they wanted
their "arms" of exploration to look like to what would actually happen
the 7.7 ly limit on the stutterwarp.  IIRC, the American Arm actually
truncate like it does (though piggyback operations extend it right into
back of Kafer space, where the remnants of... oh, nevermind, just in
^_^ ) but either the French Arm or the Chinese Arm (or both?) wouldn't
quite the same.

On the other hand, I definitely recall reading that they changed some
stellar types (not just positions) as well.  And, of course, there's the
planetary systems.... ^_-

All in all, though, a great game for giving a decently fleshed-out
background without *too* much detail, though the Arms of exploration are
definitely dependant on having the 7.7 limit to the hyperdrive.  If that
restriction were removed, the groupings of who-got-what would make a lot
less sense.


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