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Re: FMA necromunda scirmish level rules

From: "Magnus Alexandersson" <magnus.alexandersson@s...>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 20:54:16 +0100
Subject: Re: FMA necromunda scirmish level rules

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Allan Goodall" <>

> The reason I ask is that some of us are playtesting a game called,
> confusingly, Full Metal Anorak. It's a skirmish level game using the
FMA game
> system in Stargrunt. Follow? The game system is called FMA, and this
> game is also called FMA. *L* Yes, it is confusing.
> At any rate, yes, there are people trying this. But it's going to be
an actual
> product. The playtest rules were posted here a while ago. Ask, and
> will send them (though the playtest group has seen some of the more
> changes; we could show them to you, but then we'd have to kill

Hi Allan and all other playtesters!
I'd love the playtest rules set, and prefrerably the version that means
I can read
them after I got my hands on them...


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