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RE: [FT] One-shot Pulse Torpedos -- any playtested stats?

From: Charles Taylor <charles.taylor@c...>
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 18:44:07 GMT
Subject: RE: [FT] One-shot Pulse Torpedos -- any playtested stats?

In message
	  "Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" <> wrote:

> Hmmm.
> I think that perhaps you did create a new UNSC DDH.
> The UNSC Destroyers that I got from KR were single piece (not even
> pods).
> -----
> Brian Bell
> -----
Are you sure those are not 'Patrol Cutter/frigates', of which two types
exist (one slightly larger than the other) - Hull with cylindrical
engine and two side pods - all on molding? - these are the largest
single section UNSC ships I've seen.

The UNSC Destroyers I got were in 3 pieces each, - main hull, engine
section, and the '3 cylinders in a row' piece that started this

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